ForeverPPL | Thomas Freeman
 Book jacket design for Ready Player One, the debut novel from Ernest Cline. In the dystopian 2040s where people escape to a VR world, Wade Watts is on a quest to find a virtual "Easter egg" before an evil corporation does.

Ready Player One

 Book jacket design for Ready Player One, the debut novel from Ernest Cline. In the dystopian 2040s where people escape to a VR world, Wade Watts is on a quest to find a virtual "Easter egg" before an evil corporation does.

Book jacket design for Ready Player One, the debut novel from Ernest Cline. In the dystopian 2040s where people escape to a VR world, Wade Watts is on a quest to find a virtual "Easter egg" before an evil corporation does.

 The book references many retro video games and 80s flicks. As a nod to that, I incorporated the 8-bit Space Invaders on the back cover.

The book references many retro video games and 80s flicks. As a nod to that, I incorporated the 8-bit Space Invaders on the back cover.